From Selfie to Healthfie


Article by Joël de Rosnay on the creation of the concept of "Healthfie" an array of Personalized Health Dashboards - September 6, 2014

The current fashion for communication is the selfie, the self-portrait, individual or in group. But in fact the selfie gives an external image of the body or the group that has just been photographed.

With modern tools for analyzing biological parameters from the body such as fitness trackers, or new tools integrated into wearables, like biosensors, or even to ARG (augmented reality glasses, such as Google Glass, or contact lenses), it becomes possible to "see" inside the body. Not really as with X-rays or an MRI, but to get enough of ones health parameters, creating and using what I call an array of Personalized Health Dashboards.

So we cannot only take selfies but also what I call "healthfies."

With healthfies it becomes possible to measure, by the techniques of quantifiable self, a range of parameters helping to promote prevention.

This information could be sent to the smartphone of our physician who becomes a health counselor and even more, a life advisor. With the lowering of the price of personalized DNA tests, a life advisor can help tailor a plan, a sports training, a medical treatment, and personalized each of them, because he or she will be able to follow in real time the results obtained through the healthfies. But the question is will we dare sharing our healthfies the way we share our selfies? Maybe in the social networks in order to receive peer to peer advices on health maintenance programs or new products.

So we see a new revolution at the horizon, for medical diagnosis, but also in all areas of prevention, a key sector for the future of the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry.


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